Monday, October 27, 2008

If you are all done with the myth project and printing it...

Others need to catch up a little bit today.. So we will aspire to have an intense workday on this project. You may be among those that feel like you can't add anymore mask effects or details and that your project is totally done. That is ok too.

In that case you should:

1 print and trim and glue your project.

2 Scan your line drawings. Use File> Import and browse the name of the scanner from photoshop. Don't use independent scanning software. Make sure the length x width x depth numbers make sense and just struggle with the program until you figure out how to change them. an example of not making sense: 40 inches by 60 inches by 20 dpi. take turns on the scanner.

3 Help out someone next to you that is still struggling with masking and mask effects. Lots of people need help with these concepts, and I would ask you to pass your understanding on to someone else, because the class is large, I often unfortunately miss people in one to one work time.

4. Start on another black and white study. Start a new file size 10 x 16 x 200 in grayscale and use exactly the same methods we've been working with in your study. Find new imagery, expand on your original theme. Try to invent mask effects or work all with masks and filters. Push your mastery over the ideas.

5. Start a color study. Start a new file size 10 x 16 x 200 RGB. copy some of your figures and backgrounds into this file. Set line art to multiply blending mode. Recover selections from your figures and make masks. Paint in a layer below the figure and copy the mask onto the color layer. This is similar to what we will all work on together on Wednesday.

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